How Advertisements Influence Us

As a marketer, there are many tools you can use to uplift a brand, and advertising is one of them.  Advertising, and by extension, marketing significantly impacts our everyday lives. Over time they can create a long-term shift in demand for brands, leading to increased market share, increased price premium and therefore profitability, and resilience to competition1. When done well, it can help businesses grow, create jobs, and even improve the lives of consumers.

There are many different types of advertising, from traditional print and television ads to digital and social media campaigns. No matter the type, the goal is to connect with consumers on an emotional level. When consumers feel connected to a brand, they develop relationships with brands and think of them as partners. Brands become more human to customers and obtain meaning and value2. Sometimes, it is also used to raise awareness about important social issues. For example, many companies promote environmental sustainability or to fight discrimination.

How Advertising Works

Advertising as a form of communication used in marketing can be a very effective way to increase sales, build brand awareness, and generate leads. It is an important tool that can be used to supplement other marketing efforts, but it is not a substitute for them.

It creates awareness, serves as a reminder, and generates interest in a product or service. This helps keep a product at the top of the consumers’ minds when making a purchase decision, as it psychologically impacts consumers to think of your business or product first3. If enough curiosity or desire is sparked, the advertisement can persuade a consumer to complete a purchase. Some advertisements, however, do not have a clear call to purchase. Rather, they build positive associations and make people more aware of the brand.

Advertising is a complex and ever-changing field in marketing. However, by understanding the basics of how advertising works, you can use it to achieve your marketing goals.

How Advertisements Influence Our Decision-Making Process

As part of a robust marketing strategy, advertisements can often shape our perceptions and preferences unconsciously. By leveraging on the entertainment element, marketers influence consumers in a positive way by grabbing their attention and creating a lasting impression4.

The Role of Brand Loyalty

Brand loyalty is a consumer's preference for a particular brand over others, often resulting in a long-term commitment to make repeat purchases of a particular brand5. Advertisements play a significant role in building and maintaining brand loyalty by reinforcing the brand's image, values, and benefits. This loyalty can influence consumers' decision-making process by making them continue to purchase from the same brand over and over again, despite competitors offering similar products or services6.

Impact on Consumer Trust and Credibility

Advertisements can also impact consumer trust and credibility by shaping perceptions of a brand's quality, reliability, and reputation. A well-executed advertising and marketing campaign can enhance a brand's image and create a sense of trust among consumers. When a brand is trusted and has strong brand loyalty, this can greatly influence consumer behaviour and purchasing decisions. Thus, it is important to create a consistent and positive brand image through all of a brand's marketing and communication efforts7.

Targeted Advertising

Targeted advertising is a marketing strategy that involves delivering personalised advertisements to specific groups of consumers based on their demographics, interests, and online behaviour. This approach allows advertisers to reach their desired audience more effectively and efficiently, increasing the likelihood of influencing consumers' decision-making process. By appealing to people who are already interested in the types of products or services that the company sells, it is easier for marketers to establish a base of loyal customers8.

Impulse Buying

Impulse buying is a spontaneous, unplanned purchase that occurs due to the influence of external factors, such as advertisements. Advertisements can trigger impulse buying by creating a sense of urgency, promoting limited-time offers, or appealing to consumers' emotions. When customers see something that they like, it prompts them to consider the opportunity of exposing themselves more often to the company or brand that created the ad9.

The ways advertisements work is only one part of how marketing plays a crucial role in shaping our lifestyle. As a whole, marketing affects consumers’ decision-making processes through various mechanisms. At the Singapore Institute of Management (SIM), you can obtain a deeper understanding of these marketing mechanisms and the different ways to drive marketing success, especially in the digital landscape. All this is covered in the Graduate Certificate in Digital Marketing (E-Learning) course offered by SIM.

What to Expect in the Graduate Certificate in Digital Marketing (E-Learning) Course

This course provides you with the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in a fast-paced and ever-changing industry. You will learn about effective marketing campaigns and how to apply the knowledge in order to boost your career prospects and give yourself a competitive edge. With this credential, you will be well-positioned to take your career to the next level. 

Ready to know more? Contact us today to learn more about the programme and how you can get started.



